
Is There A Simple Solution For EV Charger Infrastructure?

Oct 26, 2022 | Charging , DC Fast Chargers , Switchgear

As a result of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program that provides funding for strategically deploying electric vehicle charging infrastructure along major US highways, the interest in investing in EV charging stations is at an all-time high. One of the key requirements to receiving this funding is that the site must include a minimum of four Level 3 fast chargers.

The infrastructure required to power these Level 3 chargers (also known as DC fast chargers) typically includes a series of electrical panels commonly referred to as switchgear. Switchgear is tasked with receiving, transforming, distributing, and protecting the equipment and wiring. One of the major roadblocks potential EV charging site owners are facing in today’s climate is finding a switchgear solution. Some of the common pain points involved in finding a traditional switchgear solution include:

Traditional EV Switchgear.psd

Traditional switchgear will often require an architectural or engineering firm to specify and design a mixed-manufacturer panel systems. This involves hiring a third-party to specify the panels from different manufactureres, design the panel layout, create wiring diagrams, and ensure the system meets all local electrical codes.

Supply chain difficulties are frequently cited as a common barrier to procuring switchgear. Because traditional switchgear is responsible for so many functions within the site, often panels from different manufacturers are required. The sudden unavailability of one panel may mean the entire design needs to go back to the drawing board.

As another requirement to NEVI funding, electricians installing equipment must have a certification from the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) or have graduated from a Registered Apprenticeship Program for electricians that includes specific training on EV supply equipment. Traditional switchgear includes a large amount of on-site wiring. With certified EV electrical contractors in short supply, getting the switchgear physically installed can pose major delays in commissioning a site.

A Turnkey EV Charger Infrastructure Solution

NexPhase - Highlight - Comm Panel.psd

The NexPhase™ Smart EV Switchgear has been designed for rapid deployment of EV charging infrastructure, easy installations, and satisfying requirements of the (NEVI) funding program. NexPhase™ is an all-in-one, turnkey switchgear solution which contains the entire infrastructure required between the utility service and up to four 150 kW Level 3 DC fast chargers. Let’s take a look at how NexPhase™ helps simplify switchgear deployment at every touchpoint:

NexPhase™ combines all traditional post-and-frame switchgear equipment into a single enclosure, eliminating the lengthy design process. NexPhase™ provides an integrated, single cabinet, ready-to-install switchgear solution.

NexPhase™ does the procurement work for you. All switchgear components (including the current transformer cabinet, breaker panels, and transformer) come pre-packaged from a single source.

All internal components come pre-installed and pre-wired. With a shortage of qualified, veteran electricians available, NexPhase™ makes it easy to execute more EV charger projects with existing workforces.

Eliminate the additional resources, time, and supply chain difficulties often associated with designing and sourcing a mixed-manufacturer post-and-frame switchgear system, and get added benefits like remote EV charger site monitoring, troubleshooting, and control with NexPhase™. For an in depth look at the NexPhase™, continue reading:

Smart EV Switchgear




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